Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Popcorn Fundraiser

On February 2, 2008, Trails End Popcorn Company donated $25,000.00 worth of popcorn to the Iraqi scouting program. DHL arranged for the two and a half tons of popcorn to be shipped right to our door for free! This was a great event for the scouts and girl guides, giving them the oppurtunity to have a direct hand in funding for the program. The children were all smiles and very eager to do all that they could. While the scouts and leaders ran the event, it was rewarding to the Green Zone Council to help in any way we could. We had so many volunteers who contributed to the success of the fund raiser and would like to extend a thank you to everyone!!

1 comment:

Snakeeater said...

I've added Trail's End and DHL to my short list of heroes who are helping change things in our world.